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Common Appliance Failures in Residential Homes
11/2/2023 (Permalink)
Have you every experienced a leak in your home? One moment everything is working fine and the next, panic! The most common appliance failures include: Refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines.
Refrigerator ice maker values can fail along with trim or gaskets on the door causing leaks in different areas. The fact that the refrigerator has cooling properties can make for problems.
Dishwasher supply lines can burst or buildup of food and debris can cause the drain to back up. Checking it frequently to remove food particles and debris is important. Routine checks of hoses and connections can save you money down the road.
Washing machines can be be finicky; overstuffing laundry, or excessive amounts of detergent. Checking hoses for cracks or wetness around the connections can save you from small leaks that can become big problems.
The key to preventing all of these leaks is inspection, inspection, inspection! If you are concerned that one of your appliances may be leaking call SERVPRO of Edmonds at 425-775-5723 and we will come and perform a moisture inspection to ensure you are safe from any water or mold damage.
Why You Should Invite SERVPRO of Edmonds to Your Board Meeting
8/1/2023 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Edmonds has been a proud member of WSCAI (Washington State Community Associations Institute) for nearly 15 years. We aim to serve condominium associations in Edmonds and the greater region by understanding their unique needs and wants. This comes from expertise, knowledge and experience, we take great pride and care in training our employees.
SERVPRO of Edmonds can proudly say we have an excellent team that is well experienced in serving condominiums and is privy to rules surrounding insurance, documentation and all the moving parts that can come from dealing with a multifamily building.
We want to know what issues and concerns are important to our local condominium associations. In fact, our SERVPRO of Edmonds team is happy to meet with boards members and educate or assist with the following;
- Emergency preparedness
- Safety Planning
- Workshops or Q & A’s regarding water damage or fire damage working process.
- Questions regarding the SERVPRO process and insurance claims
- Building vendor lists, recommending trusted industry partners
- Locating and mapping vital shut-offs
If you would like to meet our experts, ask questions or have us speak on a specific topic, please reach out to us by calling 425-775-5723. We are happy to be a presenter or to just provide food and beverages for your next board meeting!
Is your Commercial Business Prepared for a Disaster?
8/1/2023 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Edmonds is a full service commercial restoration firm. We specialize in commercial drying, cleaning and decontamination needs. Our approach uses a collaborative method to reduce operational risks, minimize downtime and save you money in order to get your business up and running after a disaster.
Consider the statistic that 50% of businesses who suffer a major disaster will never reopen. Of the businesses that reopened, most of them had a plan in place.
Several questions a business owner may consider;
Do your employees know your chain-of-command?
Do your teams know where your water shut-offs are?
Would your employees be able to direct first responders?
The actions taken in the initial minutes of an emergency are critical. A prompt warning to employees to evacuate, shelter or lockdown can save lives. A call for help to public emergency services that provides full and accurate information will help the dispatcher send the right responders and equipment. An employee trained to administer first aid or perform CPR can be lifesaving. Action by employees with knowledge of building and process systems can help control a leak and minimize damage to the facility and the environment.
Thankfully, SERVPRO of Edmonds has an excellent system in place to help streamline your emergency response plan. With the Emergency Ready Program SERVPRO will help you create a functional cloud based data set that can be used for things like staff emergency manuals, emergency contact information and building emergency critical information. Because disasters often happen when you are away, your team will have all of this data at their fingertips, wherever you need it, with a push of a button.
To strategically align your building operations to make sure you have the help you need in an emergency, give us a call today. The consultation and emergency planning is offered at no cost to your facility, give us a call at 425-775-5723.
Summer Networking at The Edmonds Waterfront Center
8/1/2023 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Edmonds is a proud community 'business' member of the beautiful new Edmonds Waterfront Center. We have also been members of EASC (Economic Alliance Snohomish County) for more than 10 years!
Coming up on August 24th is their highly anticipated Summer Networking Event where hundreds of people will convene to share and learn about each other's local businesses. Boeing and Alaska Airlines will be sponsoring the event with a Hawaiian theme with delicious local catering options and music from the Edmonds Chamber.
We all look forward to a fun day of games, prizes and most importantly supporting our local community members and business owners who make Edmonds a thriving place to live.
Log onto EASC's website to purchase your tickets before they sell out. SERVPRO of Edmonds will be there!
How To Locate Your Water Shut-Off Valve
6/30/2022 (Permalink)
It’s important to know where your main water shut-off valve is in case of an emergency. If a pipe bursts, dishwasher fails or a toilet overflows, shutting off the water can significantly reduce water damage. It is also an excellent idea to turn off your water if you are leaving for an extended amount of time. Keep in mind; if the water has been off for a long time, open all the faucets in your home before turning the main water shut-off valve back on. In some cases, the surge of water in empty pipes may damage plumbing or faucet.
The locations of your water shut-off valves vary depending on your geographical location, water source and type of residence. Unfortunately, shut-off valves aren’t always obvious and its important to know their location before a disaster strikes. Utilize the tips below to locate your water shut-off valves.
How to Find Water Shut-off Valves
There are multiple shut-off valves in a house – typically one for each of your appliances that uses water and a main shut-off valve for the entire house. You can usually find shut-off knobs for your toilet, sink or washing machine behind the units or under the sink. If your toilet is about to overflow, don’t waste time by running around looking for the main water shut-off valve – simply turn the water shut-off knob behind the toilet.
Well Water (Main) Shut-off Valve
Wells usually have two main shut-off valves: There is a valve that goes from the well to the pressure tank and another valve from the pressure tank to your plumbing. Shut-off both valves if you are concerned about frozen pipes. .
Pressure tanks may be in the basement, garage or closet. To find the pressure tank shut-off valve, look for a valve or knob near the tank. The shut-off valve is usually connected to the same pipe that has the pressure gauge on it.
The well is usually located near the pressure tank but may be outside in a small well house or elsewhere. The well shut-off valve should be near the well or even in a small utility box buried in the ground near the well. If multiple valves are visible, only turn one at a time, and then check the corresponding faucet to see if it worked. Once you have found the right valve, mark it for future reference. You can also trip the circuit breaker to the well to temporarily deactivate the well pump.
City Water (Main) Shut-off Valve
In colder climates this main is usually located in your home’s utility room, along with the furnace or water heater. The main shut-off valve should be on the largest water pipe in this area. Look for pipes that lead directly out of the foundation toward the street.
In warm climates you may find the shut-off valve in a plastic or concrete utility box in the ground toward the front of your house, near the street and sometimes can be covered by dirt.
Did You Find the Shut-off Valve Too Late?
If water damage has occurred call SERVPRO of Edmonds at 425-775-5723 and our team will respond immediately. If you would like a complimentary water shut-off tag for your property one of our friendly staff members will send you one to your home or business.
Choose A Professional For Biohazard Cleaning
6/30/2022 (Permalink)
Have you experienced a trauma in your business or home that needs cleaning? Are you unsure of what steps to take? Our team at SERVPRO of Edmonds is well versed in these unfortunate situations. It is not a good idea for those who aren’t properly trained to clean a trauma scene, especially without proper personal protective equipment (PPE). SERVPRO of Edmonds is well-educated on handling biohazard infectious waste such as vomit, feces, and blood. Our team knows not to risk cross-contamination and follows all safety guidelines for appropriate disposal.
SERVPRO of Edmonds takes extreme caution with biohazards, and is trained on various precautions including needlestick prevention, biohazard control, bloodborne pathogens, and disposal, as well as universal OSHA precautions.
Our professionals clean, disinfect, and deodorize the commercial (or residential) area following an accident. We also dispose of bio-hazardous waste in accordance with health and OSHA regulations as well as federal, state and/or local regulations.
Our team understands that commercial biohazard, trauma, and crime scene cleanup is not an easy task and requires specialized equipment and appropriate certifications. Our Biohazard Project Managers assesses, decontaminates, and monitors medical waste in a wide variety of different situations, from industrial accidents to infectious disease, viral, and microbial site decontamination.
Biohazard cleaning can be an emotional situation. When in doubt leave it to the professionals. If you have additional questions about biohazard cleaning call SERVPRO of Edmonds at 425-775-5723 to speak with an experienced professional.
Handling A Power Outage
6/30/2022 (Permalink)
Are you ready if the electricity goes out? Prepare now to make sure you stay safe and are ready for the unexpected. Power outages can influence the whole community and economy by disrupting communication, water and transportation. Many businesses face closure, even gas stations, banks and ATMs are not able to function. Other issues include water contamination, food spoilage and unavailability of certain medical devices. Check out our list of recommendations on what to do during a power outage;
- Make a list of anything you need that uses electricity; plan for batteries and other alternatives to meet your needs when the power goes out.
- Plan if you have medication that needs to be refrigerated. Talk to your doctor about what to do with medicine if you lose power.
- Keep refrigerators and freezers closed. Use a thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer so that you can know the temperature when the power is restored. Throw out food if the temperature is 40 degrees or higher.
- Make sure to have a flashlight and extra batteries at home so that you can see where you’re going and what you’re doing.
- Have enough non-perishable food and water for your family.
- Keep your mobile phone charged and consider investing in a back-up battery if you don’t already have one.
- Keep your gas tank full to make getting around easy. Consider checking on your neighbors, especially elderly or those with special needs.
- Only use generators outdoors and away from windows.
- Do not use a gas stove to heat your home, if safe go to an alternative location to stay warm.
- Sign up for local alerts and warning systems. Monitor weather reports.
Contact SERVPRO of Edmonds at 425-775-5723 if you would like more information on preparedness procedures for your home or business. We are available 24/7 365 days a year to serve our community!
How Does Fire Damage Affect Electronic Devices?
6/30/2022 (Permalink)
From an electrical fire to unattended food on the stove, there are many ways a commercial or residential building can catch fire. Once the fire is put out, you should immediately turn your thoughts to how you are going to clean and restore. You likely have valuable computers, appliances and other electronics around your business or home, and you want to make an attempt to salvage anything.
Structural Damage
Personal electronics can be significantly damaged following a fire. Some common examples of these include:
• Cell phones
• Tablets
• Laptops/ Desktops
• Televisions
One sign of damage you will instantly notice is if there is any deterioration to the overall structure. High temperatures create stress the metal components, causing them to warp and melt. In addition to fixing the structure, you need to make sure the item still performs its desired function.
Water Damage
Another part of computer cleanup after a fire is seeing if anything sustained water damage. Firefighters will use water to put out an out-of-control flame, but this water can damage certain items. You want to avoid turning on the item before having someone look at it. If you turn it on while water is still in the system, then it could short circuit.
Chemical Residue Damage
Soot is a highly hazardous product. It contains various acids that can wear away metals. You also need to pursue remediation so that your workers can stay safe from these potentially dangerous materials. Touching an acid-soaked item could result in complications.
The best thing to do is to not utilize electronics until professionals have a chance to look at them. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to salvage many electronic items following an electrical fire. You just need to be patient and have the right professionals to guide you such as the team at SERVPRO of Edmonds.
Visit us for more on fire at
First Aid and CPR Training In the Workplace
6/30/2022 (Permalink)
The importance of First Aid and CPR Training in the workplace could save a life, make sure your employees know this essential function!
As emergency responders SERVPRO of Edmonds experiences daily the importance of a rapid and efficient response. Life can change in a matter of minutes which is why we know the best way to expect the unexpected is to be prepared. What better way to celebrate preparedness than to certify our employees in CPR and First Aid training?
We teamed up with one of our favorite associations; PHCCWA (Plumbing Heating and Cooling Contractors of Washington) to host a CRP and First Aid class at our facility in Lynnwood. Many of our association members and our team members attended to renew their certifications.
We think CRP and First Aid training is important in the work place for many reasons;
- Having trained employees can make a substantial difference in your ability to maintain a safe work environment. They will be able to respond more quickly and effectively when medical emergencies occur.
- This training and knowledge provides a sense of security and promotes a more confident work environment.
- As staff becomes more prepared and responsive – they also become more aware of their surroundings and more likely to spot potential hazards. This inspires a ‘safety culture’.
- 25% of all emergency room visits can be avoided with basic first aid and CPR certification.
- Safety precautions and preparedness applies to ANY industry of ANY size.
There are many local resources that can help you get CPR and First Aid Certified such as The Red Cross or local Fire Stations. Call SERVPRO of Edmonds and speak to one of our Marketing Specialists to learn more about how you can be personally prepared; 425-775-5723.
Tips For Handling Commercial Water Damage
6/30/2022 (Permalink)
Broken pipes are a common problem that many businesses face. When you deal with water damage from a burst pipe, it is easy to become overwhelmed. The cost, the water cleanup and business closure are just a few of the many things that you have to worry about. To avoid more stress, keep calm and follow these tips to handle your commercial water damage.
1. Shut Off the Water
In the case of a burst pipe, it might look like the water is never going to stop flooding your business. If you can locate the water source, turn it off. Once the water stops, you can assess the flood.
2. Remove Extra Water
If you can, try to remove as much excess water as possible. Do not attempt to clean up the water yourself if it is too deep or contaminated, but mop up any excess clean water.
3. Protect Furniture Legs
If your carpeting is damp, the legs of your furniture are also in contact with water. Water damage can be extensive and irreversible to wooden furniture. You can use blocks or sheets of aluminum foil to protect your furniture from the water. To do this, place the wood or foil beneath the legs of your tables or chairs.
4. Turn Off the HVAC System
In the event of a water issue turn off your HVAC system in case it was compromised. Ducts should be inspected by a HVAC professional. You may need a duct cleaning as part of your service.
5. Remove Carpeting
Carpets and rugs are difficult to dry. Your best option is to hang rugs out to dry in the sun. Sometimes water damage can make rugs unusable. In this case, it is best to throw them out.
When your Edmonds, WA business floods, it can feel overwhelming. These steps should help ease some of your stress and we are always here to help!